The Phase V® Treatment Satisfaction modules were developed independently by Phase V Technologies using a compendium of existing treatment satisfaction items and incorporating new items developed from a series of focus group studies with persons with various diseases and conditions and experienced with different treatment regimens. Item pool selection, psychometric analysis, and field-testing was conducted by Phase V Technologies.
Although the modules are disease- and condition-specific, the following constructs typically apply across all the board assessing the regimen burden, effectiveness and overall net benefit from the patient’s perspective:
Life Interference
Acceptance of Negative Aspects (including side effects, stress, hassle)
Acceptance of Positive Aspects (including effectiveness, ease of use, comfort)
Overall Patient Preference (compared to other treatments).
Example – Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire
Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction
The diabetes treatment satisfaction battery comprises four sections dealing with diabetes treatment involving 1) any form, 2) insulin (regardless of delivery), 3) insulin injections and 4) insulin inhalers.
This 72-item section assesses satisfaction with diabetes treatment in general and is not targeted towards any one kind of treatment or delivery system. The subscales include:
Advocacy: recommending and advocating the treatment to other persons with diabetes, including family and friends.
Burden: concerning multiple aspects of burden of the therapeutic regimen including adherence, diet, exercise, burden for performing daily activities, social activities and enjoying life.
Convenience: relating to ability to remember taking medication, overall convenience, being pleased with convenience, amount of time required to manage diabetes.Efficacy: 3 items on the patient’s perception of the treatment’s ability to control blood sugar.
Flexibility: how flexible the treatment is for scheduling and allowing variability in meals and overall flexibility.
Diabetes-Specific Treatment Satisfaction
Type 1 teenage girl injects insulin.
Web-based treatment satisfaction questionnaire
Young camper checks his insulin pump to check on the insulin he will receive at his next meal.
General Satisfaction: measuring general satisfaction and being pleased with current medication.
Hassle: specific to the amount of bother and hassle of the regimen including dosing, treatment supplies, carrying supplies, supply disposal, pain and discomfort, and worries about hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
Interference: concerning how much the diabetes medication interferes with daily routine, meals, recreation, family life, sleep schedules, energy levels, making plans, traveling, having fun and overall quality of life.
Pain: concerning pain and discomfort.
Preference: rating how strong the desire to search out other regimens that might be better and to continue on current regimen.
Side effects: concerning gaining weight, unpleasant feelings, distress with hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.
Social: rating the treatment’s interference with social interactions with family and friends, travel, having fun, and problems in performing work and social roles.
Satisfaction with Insulin: assesses satisfaction with insulin without regard for specific delivery system and include content on convenience, burden, social interactions and general satisfaction.
Satisfaction with Injections:assesses satisfaction with injection as a delivery system and include content on convenience, ease, efficacy, advocacy, and general satisfaction.
Satisfaction with Inhaler:assesses satisfaction with the inhaler as a delivery system and includes content on convenience, burden, efficacy, advocacy, preference, general satisfaction, pain, and flexibility.
Comparative Preference:assesses a direct comparison of preference for either inhaled or injected insulin and covers ease, convenience, flexibility, efficacy, social, and preference.
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Phase V Technologies has provided quality, customized service since 1987.